
A collection of 7 posts

Deploying Ghost to Amazon ECS using a CI/CD Pipeline

This post is about deploying a Highly Available Ghost CMS using DevOps practices on AWS - its both a deep-dive into the different AWS DevOps services, and a tutorial to follow to get a working, highly available Ghost blog running on AWS ECS deployed through a CI/CD pipeline.

API and microservices vs ESB

When ever we talk about APIs, people always think about the legacy ESB/SOA/ESF stack.  They are not meant to solve the same problems. * SOA uses APIs – that’s about the only

Upgrade Ghost 1.22 to 2.1.3

A few months ago I wrote about upgrading this blog's Ghost version from version 0.x to 1.x []. Since version 2 has been out, here is

Ops -> DevOps -> NoOps

"The race to serverless" I've written about Operations here [] and there [], and my thoughts on

Ghost blog setup with Docker

A few months, I mentioned how Nginx and Ghost was setup [] That was running version 0.9 of ghost. I finally decided to upgrade