Its easy to get caught up with stories of the Googles and Netflixes of the
world. For the rest of us, stuck in legacy organisations
[] living the
I had pre-ordered this book, and when it was released on 26 November 2019, I
read it immediately. Its a follow-up to the Phoenix Project, yet takes place in
the same time and
I just finished reading Accelerate, The Science of Lean Software and DevOps:
Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organiations
A few months ago I read Build APIs You Wont Hate
[] by Phil
[] Sturgeon. Its an opinionated view of whats important
when designing APIs [http://hacksaw.
Book review of Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, Then Ignored, the First Personal Computer
I used to be a voracios reader through primary school and high school, but it
kinda stopped somewhere during campus days. I have rekindled it recently,
especially with the ability to read on-line