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Whiteboarding remotely

Whiteboarding remotely

Like all of us in tech, we have all been working remotely since COVID-19 hit 9 months ago. I've got my home-office setup quite well: * Desktop and laptop setup with large screen [http:

Architecture, Cloud and Serverless

I had some follow-on thoughts after my post on Microservices: Distributed Data Patterns [] that I wanted to share. I came across Jeremy Daly’s detailed article on

Learning Python on AWS

I’ve been working in tech for just over 15 years now. I’ve relied on Java as my go-to tool for quick PoCs, and its carried well my thus far. But I

Microservices: Distributed Data Patterns

tldr It shouldn’t be synchronous I’ve written about microservices [] before [], based on the work I did with the MAD-API

New Logitech MX Ergo mouse

New Logitech MX Ergo mouse

I've written previously about my desktop setup []. My main mouse in this setup has been the Logitech MX Revolution. Logitech MX Revolution on chargerI love this quote/

Architecture predicts DevOps success

I recently authored a post for the AWS Architecture blog [] regarding why DevOps requirements are important when making architectural decisions - said another way, is why