
A collection of 29 posts

Scaling out DevOps: Product and Platform Teams

In a previous post, we spoke in depth about product/feature teams [] . In this post, I want to talk about a Platform team, that will support the

API and microservices vs ESB

When ever we talk about APIs, people always think about the legacy ESB/SOA/ESF stack.  They are not meant to solve the same problems. * SOA uses APIs – that’s about the only

Book Review: The Unicorn Project

I had pre-ordered this book, and when it was released on 26 November 2019, I read it immediately.  Its a follow-up to the Phoenix Project, yet takes place in the same time and

DevOps = agile infrastructure

Similar to the previous post on the different agile methodologies [], this post will cover some of the basics of DevOps. Last week I attended DevOps Foundations training