AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam Tips

I started studying for the AWS CSA Associate exam in December 2019, and booked the exam for the first week of January. I came across this awesome article of how he prepared for the exam, and this one,  so I thought I will list the resources I used:

Other suggested material, which others have found usefull:

In total, I studied for 11 days, 8 hours per day, starting from the 1st day of the 3 day course on 17th December, until I wrote the exam on Monday morning 9am.

I booked the exam online, and chose a nearby Pearson Vue testing centre. I also booked the Cloud Practitioner exam and chose it write it from home, but never managed to successfully complete it. The online proctors could not seem to get it working, and overall the restrictions were too much - you have to take pictures of the room, and they keep on telling you what to do - so I eventually cancelled and got refunded.